Quick Summary There’s no way around it — break-ups suck. Sure, realistically we know that they aren’t the end of the world. But how do we bounce back from a broken heart, when it’s so tempting to fall immediately into the usual break-up go-tos — eating, starving, isolating, listening to those same depressing songs over and […]
The Ultimate Guide To Keeping Children Safe From Dog Bites
According to the American Veterinary Medical Association, more than 4 million people in the U.S. are bitten by dogs every year. The majority are children, who are at least three times more likely than adults to sustain a serious dog bite. Did you know that two-thirds of dog bites on children are caused by the […]
5 Surprisingly Good Uses For Dog Hair
One of the less-loved aspects of pet parenthood is having to deal with all that hair -which besides your dog’s brush, is usually all over your furniture, rugs, clothes… you name it. But wait! Before you toss all that spare hair into the trash, consider recycling it. That’s right — there are tons of uses for […]
How To Treat Dog Ear Infection (Home Remedies That Work)
Fido’s been shaking his head a lot lately. It could be that he’s rocking out to some doggie tunes that our dull human ears can’t hear, but more likely he’s suffering from an ear infection. Fido’s certainly not alone—ear infections are among the most common reasons dogs are taken to the vet. In this article, […]
Easy Ways to Keep Dogs Warm In Winter
Whether you reside in sunny California or snowy Alaska, taking the proper precautions can prevent illness or injury to your dog due to cold weather. Do you know how to keep dogs warm in winter weather? Since many dogs give the impression of almost being indestructible, pet parents may neglect to take their comfort and […]