Quick Summary In the fresh vs freeze-dried raw dog food debate, the general consensus among pet parents is that whole, unprocessed meals are better than their dried dog food counterpart. Both fresh and freeze-dried dog food have high nutritional value—they just have slight differences in how they are prepared. Even with this however, I still […]
dog health
Fresh Dog Food Price Comparison (4 Brands & What They Cost)
Quick Summary Americans spend around 442USD for dog feed per year—more if you have multiple pets. In the grand scheme of things, this isn’t much at all, especially if you want to guarantee your dog’s health. To know which service to get, I always to a fresh dog food price comparison and then proceed to […]
How Much Raw Food to Feed a Dog (3 Key Diet Factors)
Quick Summary When feeding a dog, the general rule is that his food should be about 2% to 3% of his body weight and this applies to raw feeding too. However, other factors that come into play are a dog’s life stage, energy levels and lifestyle, as well as any existing health condition. Dogs are […]