Quick Summary Installing PVC pipes or coyote rollers is one of the most common ways on how to keep a dog from jumping fence. However, these are just temporary solutions. I strongly advise dog owners to understand the problem first by finding out why your dog keeps trying to escape your property. Depending on the […]
How To Help A Dog With Separation Anxiety
Quick Summary As a pet owner, if you are already noticing the symptoms, I advise you to learn how to help a dog with separation anxiety. The basic things you can do it to leave your dog an interactive toy that he can be busy with while you are away, give your dog plenty of […]
How To Stop A Dog From Humping
Quick Summary Dogs are lots of fun! I love that they are affectionate and do the funniest things. Some things are sweet, random, and totally show our dogs’ personalities. Some funny and sweet things they do are the result of training—teaching them to give a kiss or to shake hands. However, our dogs can be […]
How To Introduce A Puppy To An Older Dog
Quick Summary Here are the basics on how to introduce a puppy to an older dog: It’s important to remember not to force them and let them get used to the presence of each other slowly. If one of them retreats to his personal space, let them. Use a neutral environment when they are meeting […]
Dog Whining in Crate: What to Do When Your Dog Whines in a Crate
Quick Summary It’s very common for dogs to sleep or spend their days in a crate. It’s important to choose the correct material, size, and color so that your dog is willing to go into it and stay there quietly. My dogs immediately retreat to their own crates after a tiring walk or when they […]