Quick Summary Some dogs are more frightened of grooming practices than others. Unfortunately, they cannot understand what is happening to them when we are trying to clip their nails, trim their hair, or perform other grooming tasks. They do not realize we are simply trying to care for their needs, and they become afraid. While […]
Dog Grooming
Homemade Dog Ear Cleaner: Safe, Effective, And All-Natural!
Quick Summary Keeping your dog’s ears clean should be part of his normal grooming routine. Some breeds like cocker spaniels and other breeds with floppy ears do need more ear cleaning, but all dogs should have their ears cleaned. A homemade dog ear cleaner made of 2 parts of distilled water with 1 part of the […]
Homemade Dog Toothpaste Any Pet Owner Can Make (5 Easy Recipes)
Quick Summary Maintaining my dogs’ dental hygiene is very important for me. There are pet dental products everywhere but when I run out of them, I can easily make a homemade dog toothpaste from beef or chicken bouillon, mint leaves, coconut oil, and baking soda. I love this recipe because it’s so simple and my […]
How To Trim Dog Hair (Secrets To Keep Fido Looking Sharp)
Quick Summary Proper dog grooming routines help your dog feel and look its best. This is why I learned how to trim dog hair as soon as I had my first pet. The basic idea of it is to trim in the direction of your dog’s hair in a slow pace. But before that, it’s […]
How To Remove Brown Stains From White Dog Fur
Quick Summary So, you let your dog out for his usual evening backyard run and go back inside to finish something. A few hours pass, and it’s time to let the dog in, except for one thing. While your playful friend gazes up at you without a care in the world, you can’t help but […]