Quick Summary If you ask me how to soundproof a dog crate, I would say that my best advise would be to use official dog crate covers. It would be impossible as well as not ideal to completely soundproof a dog crate. Read more about my guide on soundproofing and how it works with dog […]
How to Make a Dog Crate Escape Proof (2 Key Things To Do)
Quick Summary Many pet owners think that putting their pup in a dog kennel is something negative. But in reality, as I always like to remind many, it is a positive experience for the dog and owner alike. Crates to domestic canines are like dens that wolves seek out in the wild—they are places that […]
How To Assemble A Dog Crate (The Steps Depending On The Type)
Quick Summary Choosing an appropriate crate for your furry friend is essential. My dogs have their own indoor crates and I also got them separate travel crates—they also differ in sizes. Dogs will spend a lot of time in crates when you are gone and may even use it as a safe space of solitude […]
How To Secure A Dog Crate In A Car (Things To Do Before A Ride With Fido)
Quick Summary No matter how much my dogs enjoy car trips, safety is not optional when I use a dog crate for my four-legged friends. Safety precautions are something that I observe when my dogs are in the car. This is why knowing how to secure a dog crate is essential for safe travels. Typically, seatbelts, […]
How To Keep A Dog Warm In His Crate
Quick Summary How Often Should I Take My Dog Outside When It’s Cold? In the winter, unless there’s a storm, I still take my dogs outside for a walk on a regular basis. However, I make extra effort to keep their paws dry and warm. It is best if you can take your dog outside […]