Quick Summary Leafy greens are an advisable and healthy addition to your dog’s diet. That should shoot down any myths that dogs are strictly carnivorous. Can dogs eat cabbage?Certainly! Cabbages are not only safe for dogs to eat, but they can also be prepared for them in different ways. I love cabbage as it is […]
Can Dogs Eat Crab? What About Imitation Crab Meat?
Quick Summary Crab is delicious and a good source of lean protein, meaning it’s great for muscle development, so pet owners can wonder if it would be okay to share one of their favourite meals with the dog—can dogs eat crab? Technically crab is not poisonous to dogs, and a lot of the time, it […]
Can Dogs Eat Olives? Health Benefits For Pets
Quick Summary The question can dogs eat olives is odd but the answer is technically yes. Olives as fruit are not toxic to dogs, so they can be safe to consume in small quantities—and provided they are plain, pitted, unsalted. Olives have several vitamins and minerals which are important to human health. If fed a […]