Quick Summary Here’s one of my favorite raw dog food recipes for skin allergies: Simply combine 2lbs ground lamb, 1lb lamb organs (lung, heart, liver, esophagus, trachea): 1lb chopped lamb neck, and 1 tbsp sunflower oil. Add a few greens to round out the nutrient profile. Skin allergies are the most common type of allergies […]
Raw Food Diet for Puppies (Tips for starting your puppy on raw feeding)
Quick Summary Plenty of pet owners are getting onboard the raw feeding movement nowadays, with the market for raw dog food expected to grow to $ 195 billion by 2029. Experts agree that raising healthy dogs begin with feeding puppies the right meals—and a raw food diet for puppies is one of the best options. […]
Raw Dog Food Recipes (3 Quick and Easy Raw Meals)
Quick Summary You probably already know that making raw dog food involves more than just serving your dog some raw meat. But I’m happy to let you know that raw dog food recipes can be still be quite easy and affordable to make, while still providing your dog with a balanced diet, without having to […]
What Is Human-Grade Dog Food? Is It Really Better For Pets?
Quick Summary Today, with the many types and features of dog food, most of our focus shifts to human-grade options; but exactly what is human-grade dog food? According to AAFCO, there’s really no legal definition for the term, but a dog food should be labeled human grade if it uses ingredients edible for humans as […]
Raw Dog Food vs Kibble: How do they match up head to head?
Quick Summary It’s widely accepted now that kibble dog food is one of the worst things you can feed to your dog. And while pet owners are still divided on whether raw dog food is the best among dog foods, those who are comfortable with their pets eating raw food will tell you that it […]