Quick Summary If you ask me how to soundproof a dog crate, I would say that my best advise would be to use official dog crate covers. It would be impossible as well as not ideal to completely soundproof a dog crate. Read more about my guide on soundproofing and how it works with dog […]
How to Make a Dog Crate Escape Proof (2 Key Things To Do)
Quick Summary Many pet owners think that putting their pup in a dog kennel is something negative. But in reality, as I always like to remind many, it is a positive experience for the dog and owner alike. Crates to domestic canines are like dens that wolves seek out in the wild—they are places that […]
How To Keep A Dog Warm In His Crate
Quick Summary How Often Should I Take My Dog Outside When It’s Cold? In the winter, unless there’s a storm, I still take my dogs outside for a walk on a regular basis. However, I make extra effort to keep their paws dry and warm. It is best if you can take your dog outside […]
How To Stop A Dog From Chewing On Metal Crate (6 Ways To Curb The Behavior)
Summary Quick If you’re wondering how to stop a dog from chewing on metal crate, the proper way is to correct him by saying “no” in a firm tone and then immediately giving reward as soon as he stops. I also suggest to find out why he has the habit of chewing and then addressing […]
DIY Dog Crate (9 Design Ideas and Plans)
Quick Summary Pet supply companies and online sellers offer a wide array of dog crates for sale. Many people choose the standard wire crate that can collapse and store easily. However, more dog owners are searching for the best dog crates that are comfortable for their pup and fit in with the decor of their home. Sometimes, […]