Quick Summary When bringing home a new little bundle of furry joy, many proud puppy parents focus on food, cuddles, toys, and all kinds of other fun puppy stuff. At some point, though, your new furry friend might start to develop a bit of doggy smell, which means it’s bath time for the little fluffy […]
How To Introduce A Puppy To An Older Dog
Quick Summary Here are the basics on how to introduce a puppy to an older dog: It’s important to remember not to force them and let them get used to the presence of each other slowly. If one of them retreats to his personal space, let them. Use a neutral environment when they are meeting […]
How To Crate Train A Puppy
Quick Summary Crate training is one of the best things you can do for your dog and for you. If you are a good owner then you want to train your dog, and house training them in this way is very beneficial in a variety of ways. I often meet dog owners who feel guilty […]