Quick Summary Fleas and ticks are two of the most common parasites that can affect dogs. They can cause a lot of problems, including skin irritation, hair loss, and even infection. In this blog post, I will discuss how to prevent and treat flea and tick bites on dogs. I will also talk about the […]
Canine Papilloma Virus: Causes, Treatment, and Prevention
Quick Summary If you’ve ever seen small rough bumps that look like cauliflower on your dog, you’re probably like one of the many pet parents that ask me how to treat your dog’s viral papilloma warts. Relax, I’m here to tell you that these warts caused by papillomavirus often do not require any treatment. Your […]
Cognitive Dysfunction in Dogs: What It Is and How to Treat It
Quick Summary Did you know that cognitive dysfunction in dogs due to aging is the number one disease in pets over the age of eight? It can be challenging to recognize and treat, but it’s essential to do so if you want your furry friend to live a long and healthy life. Do you know […]
How to Treat Your Dog’s Retinal Hemorrhage
Quick Summary Have you noticed that your pooch is having difficulties seeing and problems maneuvering around? Does he have unexplainable bleeding in his eyes or other parts of his body? A retinal hemorrhage may be the problem or it may be a symptom of a much larger underlying issue. I highly suggest to take your […]
How to stop dogs from eating poop- quickest & easiest way
Quick Summary Dogs do a lot of odd behaviors and some of them are just downright gross—like poop eating. It’s not surprising then that many pet parents want to know how to stop dogs from eating poop. My advice is to firmly tell them “no” when you catch them in the act. It also helps […]