Quick Summary Chances are, you’re already familiar with how cataracts look like, and if your dog has been getting on in years, you may have noticed a slight clouding of the lens of your dog’s eyes. Now, cataracts are often mistaken for nuclear sclerosis – I know I’ve given myself a scare with that mistake […]
What Is The Best Dog Food For My Puppy? Here’s Your Nutrition Guide
Quick Summary I’m a firm believer that the foundations of a dog’s health starts from how pet owners take care of them during the early puppyhood. Aside from giving them comfortable homes, grooming, and doing the necessary trainings, a healthy and balanced diet is a major part of raising puppies to be happy and strong […]
Will China Ban Dog Meat? Updates On The Long-standing Battle
Quick Summary The summer solstice came and went on June 21, marking the beginning of the grim practice of slaughtering numerous dogs and cats for their meat in the city of Yulin, located in southern China. This festival has drawn the ire of the world at large for more than a decade now, and for […]
Busting Coonhound Myths: Why These Dogs Make Great House Pets
Quick Summary When Bo, an 11-year-old champion Black and Tan Coonhound, was laid to rest in October at the Underwood Memorial Coon Dog Cemetery in Tuscumbia, Ala., the Associated Press reported that nearly 400 mourners attended his funeral. Such an outpouring of grief for one dog probably comes as no surprise to many Coonhound pet […]
How To Start Workout With Your Dog (Exercise Routine Guide)
Quick Summary Obesity is a growing and serious problem for both people and their dogs. The Association for Pet Obesity Prevention (APOP) found that about 55 percent of dogs are overweight or obese. There are many factors that can cause dog obesity, so I highly urge you to start a workout routine with your dog. Doing a great workout […]