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Quick Summary
- Eating sesame seeds is safe for dogs provided it’s only in small amounts.
- In fact sesame seeds pack nutritional value for canines such as iron, manganese, calcium, vitamin B, and vitamin E.
- Note that overconsumption of sesame seeds can have negative results to dogs such as diarrhea, bowel irritation, and other side effects. Some dogs may also develop allergies to sesame seeds.
Sesame seeds are perfectly fine as human foods, which is why we put them on everything, but the question is can dogs eat sesame seeds? The answer is yes because they are not toxic to dogs. Sesame seeds have a lot of nutrients that are all good for dogs. However, as I always caution, that is not carte blanche to feed the dog as much as possible, especially if it is a new item on their diet. Rather, consult with the vet and then feed it to them in moderation.
Sesame seeds are almost on every human snack nowadays, from takeout to hamburger buns to meal toppings, but now that you know small amounts can actually benefit dogs, how can you feed these to them the right way? Read my guide below.
Nutritional Benefits of Sesame Seeds
Sesame seeds and oils have a compound that is known as sesamin. There is some evidence to suggest that sesamin has some anti-inflammatory characteristics, but it is the case at high dose levels. It may not be feasible for dogs, considering the amount required for the same effect is too high.
Both white and black sesame seeds, can also have other health benefits like reducing constipation, so your dog can stay as regular as possible. It is because of the high fiber content. A tablespoon of sesame seeds has the same amount that you would find in a banana. That same amount may have too much fat, but it bodes well as you can give the dog limited amounts of sesame seed oil in the kibble.
They also have a high calcium level, which would lead to strong bones, though copper does fight against pain within the joints. Sesame seeds also have good antioxidants, which play a role against cancer, a prevalent problem in older dogs. The antioxidants are compounds that prevent or reverse the damage done to the cells in the body.
How Many Sesame Seeds Can a Dog Eat?
The usual diets of dogs have to be balanced, so I do not advise feeding sesame seeds in significant amounts with every meal. Most veterinarians recommend that no more than 10 percent of the dog’s calories come from other sources because it can upset the natural balance in their bodies. Sesame seeds have a high level of calcium. While this is good for the dog’s bones, too much of it may affect phosphorous absorption. There is an increased risk as well if you add sesame seeds for the first time to their food. There should be care before incorporating it into the dog’s diet.
The idea is to begin small. Medium-sized dogs, for example, can handle half a teaspoon. If it is the first time they are consuming it, you can wait two days to see if there are allergies or other negative effects. Some of the potential signs of poisoning after eating sesame seeds include diarrhea, lack of appetite, and vomiting. Unexplained behavior may suggest that your pet has taken too many sesame seeds well, but this is not the case with most dogs.
Rather a half teaspoon of soaked sesame seeds twice a week would be okay. It would be advisable to reduce the dietary allowance on those days when you are trying this out to account for the calories given by the sesame seeds. Every half a teaspoon has 50 calories which is high, and dogs have a low tolerance for high-calorie foods. They gain weight easily, which would mean health issues down the road like obesity and diabetes in dogs.
Potential Risks of Giving Your Dog Sesame Seeds
Sesame seeds might be a healthy treat for the dog, but overconsumption can also have negative side effects. It would lead to diarrhea, bowel irritation, and other side effects. Sometimes dog allergy may also develop as a result of eating as the seeds. The dog’s body might not have the ability to digest sesame seeds, which will lead to adverse effects.
Look out for symptoms after consumption like diarrhea, loss of appetite, and abdominal pain in the dog. If they develop any of these symptoms, it is a giveaway that something is very wrong. Sesame seeds are not a typical part of every dogs natural diet, so it can present some digestive issues [1].
Tips for Giving Your Dog Sesame Seeds
Sesame seeds and oil may be given to the dog in different ways. As they can be hard for the dog’s digestive system, they can be given alongside something else. If you already feed your pup sesame seeds as a practice, they will probably have a higher tolerance. You may also give them the typical amount of half a teaspoon. If you have a small dog, reduce that amount to a quarter of a teaspoon. Aside from that, the best approach for giving your dog sesame seeds would be to sprinkle the seeds of drizzle sesame oil on the dog food. It should be much easier to wolf down and assimilate into the body.
Can dogs eat sesame seeds?
Sesame seeds are human foods but they can also be a healthy treat that you can add to the dog’s diet, but it needs to be in moderate amounts. Please also consult with the veterinarian before adding it to the diet. Feeding your dog small bits of food sprinkled with a few sesame seeds is okay.
Can dogs eat nut butter or other seeds?
It depends on the way that it is prepared. Both nut butter and artificial sugars, which are raw and unsalted, can be given to the dog. Roasted sesame seeds are also an option. Moderation is for pet owners, though, so they should not eat too much because of the sodium and fat content.
What seeds are toxic to dogs?
The pits of avocados, cherries, and other fruits tend to be toxic to dogs. They cause cyanide poisoning, which can be fatal to dogs.
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