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Diabetes is a long-standing epidemic in the United States and continues to grow, even in our beloved pets. Diabetes in dogs can be very serious. Know all the risk factors, symptoms, and management requirements to prevent diabetes from ever affecting your dog, or mitigate it if it already has.
Quick Summary
- Diabetes affects both humans and animals, with around 7.8% of the human population (23.6 million people) having diabetes as of 2007. Dogs have a high prevalence of diabetes, with approximately one in every 400 to 500 dogs developing the disease.
- Canine diabetes is on the rise due to factors such as pet obesity, which affects about one-third of dogs in the United States. Obesity can increase insulin resistance and the risk of pancreatitis, ultimately leading to diabetes.
- While there is no cure for diabetes in dogs, it can be effectively managed. Treatment involves daily administration of insulin, monitoring blood glucose levels, maintaining a healthy diet, and engaging in regular exercise.
According to the most recent data, around 537 million adults live with diabetes. Pets can suffer from diabetes as well. In fact, “one in every 400 to 500 dogs develops diabetes mellitus,” writes Sara Jackson for Animal Wellness Magazine. With those numbers increasing because of pet obesity (one-third of U.S. dogs are reportedly obese), canine diabetes is on the rise as well. Diabetes is a persistent condition that can impact various animals, such as dogs, cats, apes, pigs, and horses, in addition to humans. While there is no cure for diabetes, it can be effectively controlled and managed. As I’ve seen throughout my life, it’s quite a common thing in dogs, especially if they’re getting on in years or have poor diets. That’s why I always tell dog owners that it’s imperative to know all of the signs of diabetes in dogs, as well as what they can do to manage it.
What is Canine Diabetes?
Dogs can indeed become diabetic. Either because of a breed predisposition to the disease or due to obesity caused by a poor diet and lack of exercise. Obesity increases insulin resistance and increases the risk of pancreatitis, which can lead to diabetes.
Diabetes, or more scientifically, diabetes mellitus (DM) is one of the most common hormonal dog diseases. Diabetes mellitus occurs when the pancreas fails to generate sufficient amounts of insulin. Insulin is an essential hormone responsible for transporting glucose, amino acids, and minerals from the bloodstream to muscles and other cells. If a dog’s insulin levels are low enough, either from insulin resistance or some other factor, the transfer of glucose into cells is hindered. Consequently, the levels of glucose in the blood and urine rise abnormally due to insufficient or absent insulin.
If diabetes mellitus goes untreated, it can be life-threatening for a pet. Dogs with diabetes mellitus are usually dependent on insulin shots for the rest of their lives, writes Jackson.
Just like with humans, canine diabetes mellitus is split into two main categories:
Type I diabetes
Type I diabetes in dogs is “similar to juvenile-onset (Type I) diabetes in humans,” writes Norma Bennett Woolf for Dog Owner’s Guide, and an “acquired type that is similar to adult-onset (Type II) diabetes in humans.”
Type II diabetes
Most dogs with diabetes have Type II. Type II diabetes is also known as insulin dependent diabetes mellitus or IDDM. But a second form of the disease exists called diabetes insipidus. Also an endocrine disorder, diabetes insipidus differs from diabetes mellitus in that it results from a deficiency in vasopressin, “the antidiuretic hormone that controls water resorption by the kidneys,” writes Woolf.
What are the Risks and Causes of Dog Diabetes?
Dogs prone to diabetes can develop the disease either because of their genetics, environment or lifestyle. In some cases, dogs suffer from the disease because of a combination of these factors.
Genetically, some breeds with a stronger susceptibility to diabetes include Keeshonden, Pulis, Miniature Pinschers, Cairn Terriers, Poodles, Dachshunds, Miniature Schnauzers and Beagles. Owners with these particular breeds should be aware of the potential for diabetes to develop in their pet.
The following are other potential risk factors and/or causes that could result in canine diabetes:
- Senior dogs (onset of diabetes generally occurs between 7-9 years of age)
- Unspayed female dogs (reproductive hormones place them at higher risk)
- Pregnant female dogs
- Viral infections
- Autoimmune pancreatic cell destruction
- Pancreatitis or other pancreatic infections
- Prescription drugs, steroids, and reproductive hormones
- Other hormonal diseases, such as Cushing’s Disease
- Stress
- Urinary tract infection
It’s also important to consider a dog’s weight when it comes to diabetes. Obese animals are more susceptible to the disease.
What are The Symptoms of Diabetes in Dogs and How is it Diagnosed?
If you have a breed of dog susceptible to diabetes, then it’s important to take note of the potential symptoms involved with the disease. Your pet may exhibit any of the following symptoms, depending on the severity of his illness:
- Increased thirst (polydipsia), appetite (polyphagia), and urination (polyuria)
- Weight loss
- Lethargy
- Loss of appetite
- Depression
- Vomiting
- Abdominal pain
- Decreased resistance to bacterial and fungal infections
- Liver and bladder problems
- Cataracts and blindness
If you find any of these symptoms prevalent in your dog, immediately bring him in to see a veterinarian. A vet can then take the steps necessary to make a proper diagnosis.
“Diagnosis depends on evaluation of early symptoms, a physical examination, and lab tests to ascertain the amount of glucose in the blood and urine,” writes Woolf.
Your veterinarian will likely follow these basic steps in diagnosing your dog:
- Question you about your dog’s medical history
- Perform a physical examination
- Perform a urine test to check for glucose and for signs of urinary tract infection
- Take a blood sample for a blood test
- X-rays and ultrasound scanning may be required in the case of complications such as diabetic ketoacidosis, or concurrent diseases. Such as pancreatitis, are suspected.
If your dog is diagnosed with diabetes, your vet will go over a plan of action for treatment. Make sure to follow it to the letter.
Treating and Managing Your Dog’s Diabetes
Unfortunately, there is no cure for diabetes in dogs. As Jackson describes, diabetic dogs will require delicate, daily care throughout his lifetime. Caring for a dog with diabetes requires a big commitment and dedication to your pet’s health.
Treatment of diabetes requires daily administration of insulin to your pet, either via insulin injections (the most common and safest method) or with oral hypoglycemic agents. This process includes monitoring your dog’s blood glucose levels on a daily basis. Detect urine glucose may be done in a number of methods. Any pharmacist should be able to provide you with urine glucose test strips.
Most veterinarians will show pet parents how to monitor their dogs’ blood sugar at home using a blood glucose meter (that is similar to what humans use), writes Dr. Mike Richards for
“It appears that about 50 percent of veterinary clients can manage this task readily and most can manage it with encouragement from their vet and the vet’s staff,” writes Dr. Richards.
He strongly recommends investing in a blood glucose meter that will make it easy for you to draw blood from a wriggling dog.
Hormone insulin should be discussed with your veterinarian. To determine what’s best for your dog. The most commonly used is human NPH insulin – either Humalin N (Rx) or Novalin NPH (Rx) – explains Dr. He recommends not exchanging insulin types too often, but instead trying to continue using the same insulin for optimal results. Injecting your dog with insulin can be a fussy ordeal. The following tips from can help make this task as comfortable as possible:
Treating Diabetic Dogs
- Spend as much training time as you need with the veterinarian to make sure that you understand how and when to give your dog insulin.
- It is not necessary or desirable for you to try keeping your dog’s normal blood glucose levels of 80-120 mg/dL. This puts your pet at risk of hypoglycemia (very low blood sugar).
- Diabetic dogs can experience large day-to-day fluctuations in blood glucose levels. Even if their food and insulin are kept constant. This is why it may take several months for the veterinarian to fine-tune your dog’s insulin doses.
- It is best to inject insulin immediately after your dog has eaten. If your dog eats only some of his food, vomits or does not eat at all, your vet may suggest that you decrease the insulin dose by half. Never skip the insulin dose entirely, but follow your veterinarian’s advice. If your dog does not eat for two meals in a row, call your veterinarian before injecting insulin.
- Is your dog eating twice a day? Try to give the insulin at the same general time each day, such as after breakfast and dinner. If these times vary occasionally by 30 to 60 minutes, it probably won’t matter in terms of the effects on your dog’s blood sugar.
- Are you unsure whether an insulin injection should be given? Call your veterinarian for advice.
Some Other Things to Consider
- Cold insulin hurts. Do not take insulin from the refrigerator and inject it immediately into your pet. Let the insulin come to room temperature, which may take about an hour.
- Always praise your dog or give him a treat after an injection to associate the insulin therapy with a pleasant experience.
- Vetsulin pork insulin is approved for once-a-day dosing. Veterinarians generally do not favor once daily insulin therapy because it makes it more difficult to regulate a dog. Once-a-day insulin therapy is used only when the owner is not able to give the dog two injections a day. And other cases where a dog can be well-regulated with one daily injection. Your veterinarian can recommend a proper dosing regimen for your dog.
- Unopened vials of insulin should be stored in the refrigerator. Write the date you opened the vial on the label as a reminder to discard it after one month.
Graphing Glucose Levels
Dr. Richards also suggests creating a “blood glucose curve” to plot out your dog’s blood sugar levels throughout the day. You can create this chart by noting your dog’s blood glucose level at the time of his first meal in the morning and every two to four hours thereafter, for at least 12 to 16 hours.
“Plotting the blood glucose numbers on a chart allows visualization of when the level is too high, too low or just right,” says Dr. Richards. “The pattern of rises and falls in blood glucose allow the veterinarian or the client to see if the problem is an overdose of insulin, an underdose of insulin or resistance to the effects of insulin.” This chart will be a valuable tool for both you and your veterinarian as you work on creating the best treatment plan for your dog.
Is Canine Diabetes Mellitus Curable?
Unfortunately, much like with human beings, canine diabetes mellitus is incurable. Your dog will continue to need insulin injections for the rest of his life. These are additional things you can do to ease his diabetes.
“Diet, herbal remedies and supplements, along with a change in lifestyle, are all keys,” writes Jackson.
A healthy diet that’s high in dietary fiber can reduce glucose absorption from your dog’s stomach, leading to better glycemic control. Dr. Rob Butler, a veterinarian consulted by Jackson, says that “Insoluble fiber may be of most benefit.”
Increase your dog’s intake of dark green, leafy veggies, whole grains, and complex carbohydrates to help combat his diabetes. His diet should be high in protein, moderate in fat and low in carbohydrates.
Antioxidants and Omega 3 fatty acid supplements can make a difference in diabetic dogs’ health. But they may cause some specific breeds to itch. If you have an itchy dog you better equip some of these best dog nail grinders. In addition to changes in diet and supplementation, increased exercise can help your dog maintain a healthy weight and contribute to managing his diabetes.
The Economics of Canine Diabetes
For any pet parent, finding out a beloved dog has diabetes can be a huge blow, not only emotionally, but financially as well.
The commitment to your diabetic dog care is enormous. But despite your financial situation, a dog suffering from diabetes must receive the care he needs to live a healthy life.
“People have to make sacrifices, do the legwork, and get creative; or else be ready to make some hard decisions about re-homing or euthanizing the dog.”
Pet parents who need financial assistance with their dogs’ diabetes should consider contacting AAHA Helping Pets Fund for help.
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