Quick Summary If you’ve ever seen small rough bumps that look like cauliflower on your dog, you’re probably like one of the many pet parents that ask me how to treat your dog’s viral papilloma warts. Relax, I’m here to tell you that these warts caused by papillomavirus often do not require any treatment. Your […]
Dog Health Care
Hypothyroidism in Dogs: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment
Quick Summary While one of the most popular forms of thyroid disease, hypothyroidism affects almost everyone at some point in their lives. It may surprise you to know that hypothyroidism in dogs is also quite common. To help you understand the disease and how to help your dog suffering from hypothyroidism, I will discuss the […]
How to Treat Your Dog’s Retinal Hemorrhage
Quick Summary Have you noticed that your pooch is having difficulties seeing and problems maneuvering around? Does he have unexplainable bleeding in his eyes or other parts of his body? A retinal hemorrhage may be the problem or it may be a symptom of a much larger underlying issue. I highly suggest to take your […]
Bubonic Plague in Dogs: Symptoms, Types, Causes, Diagnosis & Treatment
Quick Summary First thing’s first: bubonic plague in dogs worsens quickly so it is important to have your dog checked by the vet if your suspect he has one. To treat your dog’s bubonic plague, he will have to take antibiotics depending on the stage and severity of the disease. It’s a highly infectious disease […]
How to Treat & Prevent Ringworm in Dogs
Quick Summary Contrary to the name, ringworm is not caused by worms. Ringworm (dermatophytosis) is a skin condition. It mainly happens by a fungal infection and not unlike Athlete’s foot or jock itch. I’ve only ever had one dog that contracted this fungal infection once, and below, I’ll be sharing a guide on how to […]