Quick Summary When your dog snaps at other canines, lunges with a snarl at people or behaves in other aggressive fashions, you may be trying to figure out how to train an aggressive dog. The answer is fairly simple to state but time-consuming to perform, but the basics on how to train an aggressive dog […]
How To Teach A Dog Its Name
Quick Summary Bringing a new puppy home is always exciting and rewarding for me. There are so many experiences to be had and so many tricks to teach a new furry friend. One of the most difficult things to teach a puppy is its name—but it is definitely doable. Some owners never attempt to train […]
How To Stop A Dog From Humping
Quick Summary Dogs are lots of fun! I love that they are affectionate and do the funniest things. Some things are sweet, random, and totally show our dogs’ personalities. Some funny and sweet things they do are the result of training—teaching them to give a kiss or to shake hands. However, our dogs can be […]
How To Break Up A Dog Fight (The Safe Way)
Quick Summary The sound of dogs growling, then snarling. Ears laid back. Teeth showing. Eyes glaring. Dog lovers hate it when these things happen. A dog fight is about to begin. As a dog owner myself, it hurts to see beautiful dogs lunging, wanting to harm one another. Dog fights can be a very dangerous […]
How Much Does Dog Training Cost?
Quick Summary So you finally have your own dog, but training him seems overwhelming so you decide on hiring a dog trainer. Now you wonder, how much does dog training cost? There’s really no exact answer to this as it always depends on the trainer and the type of service that you are after. Generally, […]