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Quick Summary
- Cataracts in dogs result from clouding of the lens due to water imbalance or protein changes, leading to blindness as light cannot reach the retina.
- Confusing cataracts with nuclear sclerosis is common, as the latter is a normal aging process that allows light to pass through the lens, maintaining some vision.
- Cataracts can be treated only through surgery; anti-inflammatory drops are prescribed to manage inflammation and glaucoma but don’t eliminate cataracts. Early detection is crucial for successful treatment.
Chances are, you’re already familiar with how cataracts look like, and if your dog has been getting on in years, you may have noticed a slight clouding of the lens of your dog’s eyes. Now, cataracts are often mistaken for nuclear sclerosis – I know I’ve given myself a scare with that mistake more than once. Nuclear sclerosis is a haziness that arises from the hardening of the lens as a dog ages. All animals experience this natural change with time. However, if you’re an avid pet parent like me, you’d likely rather be safe than sorry, and seek the opinion of a veterinarian to make sure it’s nothing serious. If it turns out it is a cataract, read on to find out how to treat cataracts in dogs.
All you need to know about your dog’s cataract
Dogs grow older in a similar fashion to humans. They lose muscle tone, their joints stiffen, and they often don’t see as well as they once did. Eyesight, in fact, can become a major concern as a dog enters its senior years. Cataracts in dogs: It can appear in different forms and all types of dogs, regardless of breed or size, are susceptible to getting them.
As with people, cataracts are a common malady as a dog ages. This article will teach you how to recognize cataracts in dogs? And what treatments are available for canine cataracts.
What are cataracts?
A cataract affects an eye’s lens, which, like a camera, focuses on an object so we can see it. When the normally transparent lens becomes clouded by opacity, it is considered a cataract.
The term cataract comes from the Latin word “cataracta,”originally referred to a rushing waterfall or a downpour of water. The term was used metaphorically to describe the opaque white appearance of water rushing over a precipice, resembling the cloudiness seen in a person’s eye affected by the condition we now call “cataract.”. The cloudiness is caused by the disturbance of the usual structure of the lens fibers or its capsule, leading to a lack of transparency and consequent decline in vision.
In its initial stages, a cataract affects a very small part of the lens, which is located behind the iris (or colored part of the eye). Called an “incipient cataract,” the small opacity does not generally affect a dog’s vision. Because it is so mild, it may be difficult for pet parents to tell if there is something wrong with their dog’s eyes.
Immature cataracts & mature cataracts
If, however, the opacity grows and covers more of the lens, called an “immature cataract,” then it begins to interfere with a dog’s vision. If the cataract progresses and covers the entire lens, called a “mature cataract,” the dog essentially loses the ability to see.
The cloudiness occurs when certain proteins within the lens start to aggregate, leading to visual disturbances. If not addressed, the condition may advance, and certain cataracts can develop into what is known as a “hypermature cataract.” The time it takes for a cataract to progress to the hypermature stage can vary, ranging from several months to years, depending on the individual dog.
Hypermature cataracts typically decrease in size as water and proteins are lost from the lens. This causes the lens to shrink and its capsule to wrinkle, much like a grape transforming into a raisin.”
Once the cataracts reach the later stages, a dog’s eyes appear cloudy or hazy, which can alert parents to take their dogs to the veterinarian.
But cloudy eyes may lead to some confusion, as they do not necessarily mean that a dog has cataracts. Many times, when dogs begin to exhibit signs of cloudy eyes they actually have what is called nuclear sclerosis, a more common condition than cataracts. Beginning around the age of 6, dogs’ lenses begin to harden, giving their eyes a grayish hue. As dogs continue to age, the gray or cloudy appearance continues to darken. It’s a normal sign of aging and doesn’t typically interfere too much with their vision.
Nuclear sclerosis affects both eyes at the same time; cataracts, on the other hand, often appear in only one eye at a time. Over time, cataracts may appear in both eyes but usually begin in one or the other.
Symptoms of cataracts in dogs
Because the signs of cataracts can closely resemble other conditions. It’s best to let a veterinarian examine your dog to determine the actual cause of its cloudy eyes. There are several signs that a dog may have cataracts or is developing cataracts, so monitoring a dog’s behavior and physical changes is key to catching and treating it early on.
- Eyes appear cloudy in shades of white, blue or gray within the eye
- Experiencing trouble with depth perception
- Squinting
- Newly skittish
- Redness or irritation around eyes (this might also be due to allergies)
- Hesitancy or discomfort in unfamiliar surroundings
- Misjudging distance
- Not recognizing people
- Unsure footing
- Additional signs of blindness or vision impairment
How exactly do cataracts form?
While there are several reasons why dogs develop cataracts, they generally develop the same way.
The lens in its usual state is preserved in a dehydrated condition, comprising 66 percent water and 33 percent protein, according to PetEducation. A complex sodium water pump mechanism within the lens is responsible for maintaining this delicate water-to-protein balance. However, when the lens’s biomechanical system is impaired, this pump system starts to falter, leading to an influx of excess water into the lens. Furthermore, the proportion of insoluble protein rises. These alterations culminate in the loss of transparency and the development of cataracts.
Depending on the dog, cataracts can take several weeks or even months to develop.They can appear in dogs of any breed. Furthermore, there are several reasons a dog can develop cataracts.
Causes of cataracts in dogs
- Heredity
One of the most common causes of cataracts in dogs is simple heredity. Which is something that can affect pedigree dogs as well as mixed breeds. Cataracts in dogs are caused by changes in the proteins within your dog’s eye. Cataracts caused by genetics can appear in a dog of any age. So your veterinarian will probably ask about the dog’s age and note the breed. Some hereditary cataract genes can turn these proteins opaque which causes blurry vision or even total vision loss.
Cataract risk factors
- Heredity
One of the most common causes of cataracts in dogs is simple heredity. Which is something that can affect pedigree dogs as well as mixed breeds. Cataracts in dogs are caused by changes in the proteins within your dog’s eye. Cataracts caused by genetics can appear in a dog of any age. So your veterinarian will probably ask about the dog’s age and note the breed. Some hereditary cataract genes can turn these proteins opaque which causes blurry vision or even total vision loss.
Which dog breeds are prone to cataracts?
Some breeds Afghan Hounds, Akitas, Beagles, Bearded Collies, Bichon Frises, Boston Terriers, Chow Chows, Cocker Spaniels, German Shepherd Dogs, Golden Retrievers, Labrador Retrievers, Miniature Schnauzers, Old English Sheepdogs, Pointers, Rottweilers, Shiba Inus, Siberian Huskies, Staffordshire Bull Terriers, Standard Poodles, Springer Spaniels and West Highland White Terriers.
- Diabetes
Just like our eyes, the lens of your dog’s eyes is highly sensitive to blood glucose levels. When the concentration gets too high, diabetic cataracts can develop rapidly and often in both eyes. Dogs are susceptible to diabetic cataracts even when they are taking insulin to counteract a preexisting condition of diabetes.
Seventy-five percent of diabetic dogs develop blinding cataracts, often within the first year, according to Diabetic dogs showing symptoms of cataracts should see a veterinarian immediately.
- Trauma
Physical trauma caused by something like an accident or a puncture wound can increase the likelihood of developing cataracts. These types of cataracts tend to affect just the injured eye as opposed to both. When the lens ruptures from a thorn or cat’s claw, for example, the contents leak through the hole and cause a cataract and a “severe immune-mediated reactive uveitis,” reports It is not always immediately apparent that a dog is developing a cataract in response to an injury until it is too late to save the eye. For complete safety, dogs should receive immediate medical attention for any eye trauma.
- Congenital
Dogs are sometimes born with canine cataracts, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that the cause is heredity. Doctors suggest that there might have been an issue during the lens’s development or the blood vessel that encircles the lens while it was forming in the womb.
- Induced by Other Diseases
Occasionally, a lens can get “sick” due to another ocular disease or, less commonly, a drug reaction. Some examples of “toxic” cataracts include retinal degeneration, especially progressive retinal atrophy (PRA), uveitis or glaucoma in dogs.
- Old Age
The type of canine cataracts associated with age typically progress slowly and tend to be small, though still require treatment.
What are the options for treating cataracts in dogs?
Fortunately, cataracts are usually easily treatable; however, the sole method for their removal currently is through surgery. While the success rate is high, cataract surgery is generally irreversible. The procedure involves extracting the original lens and inserting an artificial lens into the lens capsule.
In rare instances, a veterinarian may find it impractical to insert a replacement lens. In such cases, the damaged lens is removed, leading to an improvement in the dog’s vision, although some blurriness may persist. Before proceeding with the surgery, a veterinary ophthalmologist must assess the dog’s overall health and the condition of its eyes.
Understanding the importance of assessing the entire eye, especially the retina, before surgery can be likened to a camera analogy: A cataract acts as a physical barrier, similar to a camera’s lens cover. Surgery can remove this barrier, but the retina functions like the camera’s film, and the rest of the eye serves as the camera. If the camera or retina is not functioning properly, removing the cataract will not improve the animal’s vision. For the surgery to be effective, the entire eye, including the retina, must be in good working condition.
Ask your vet!
The vet will likely run blood tests to help determine a dog’s candidacy for surgery. Other tests may include urine analysis or, sometimes, chest X-rays or EKGs.
Other conditions, such as diabetes, must also be taken into account. “Diabetic dogs are excellent candidates for cataracts surgery, but their diabetes and any cataract-associated inflammation must be well-controlled before surgery”.
Fortunately, the success rate of cataract surgery is high, with 85 to 95 percent of patients regaining most of their sight. Once a cataract has been removed and a replacement lens inserted into the eye, the cataract will not grow back.
After a dog comes home, she’ll have to wear an Elizabethan collar to prevent scratching or rubbing her eyes. A very nice idea is to grind its nails so they are not sharp and prone to cause eye injuries.(check this article for best practices on how to trim or grind your dog’s nails. Pet parents will need to discourage intensive activity such as playing, barking and running, and encourage a quiet, calm atmosphere for the first couple weeks.
Pet parents will also need to strictly follow the veterinarian’s instructions when it comes to medications (antibiotics and anti-inflammatory) and drops. The vet will need to re-examine the dog several times within the first few weeks and then eventually annually.
Complying with the doctor’s instructions will greatly improve a dog’s chances for a successful recovery.
What can be done for dogs’ cataracts without cataract removal surgery?
If your dog’s cataracts are not causing them any pain or discomfort and their vision is still good, your veterinarian may just suggest regular eye exams to monitor the condition. In some cases, a dog’s cataract will start to clear up on its own as they age. If this happens, there is no need for surgery or other treatment.
Apart from surgery, there is really no other effective treatment for cataracts in dogs. Veterinarians usually recommend anti-inflammatory drops for dogs with cataracts to address inflammation caused by the condition. However, it’s important to note that these drops do not intend to treat or eliminate the cataracts themselves. Instead, their purpose is to slow down the advancement of glaucoma in dogs and alleviate any discomfort associated with the cataracts.
If pet owners have ever noticed a change in their dog’s vision or behavior, it is important to take them to the veterinarian for an examination. Early detection and treatment of cataracts in dogs can help them maintain their vision, but it is important to know the symptoms and options for treatment.
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