Quick Summary Crate training is one of the best things you can do for your dog and for you. If you are a good owner then you want to train your dog, and house training them in this way is very beneficial in a variety of ways. I often meet dog owners who feel guilty […]
Questions Your Veterinarian May Ask You (Be Prepared)
Quick Summary If you’re like most pet owners, you may be a little anxious when it’s time for your dog’s veterinarian visit. Veterinarian questions for dogs? They usually include your dog’s origins, age, vaccination status, and any past health conditions—but there’s much more! My blog post will discuss the most common questions your veterinarian may […]
Diabetes in Dogs: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment
Diabetes is a long-standing epidemic in the United States and continues to grow, even in our beloved pets. Diabetes in dogs can be very serious. Know all the risk factors, symptoms, and management requirements to prevent diabetes from ever affecting your dog, or mitigate it if it already has. Quick Summary According to the most […]
How Can Dogs Keep You Fit And Healthy?
Quick Summary Research from Harvard Health suggests that dog owners experience lower cholesterol, triglycerides, and blood pressure, indicating improved heart health. Upon hearing that, you might be asking: how can dogs keep you fit and healthy? Well aside from being the ultimate exercise buddies, owning a dog also gives you immense emotional support, reducing stress, […]
Top Dog Obedience Training Tips & Tricks No One Told You About!
Training your puppy to do what you ask is easy when you know how to do it, so here are some tips for top dog obedience training. Instant feedback works best, so praise and reward your puppy as soon as he does well. Quick Summary To us dog lovers, dogs can be the veritable light […]