Quick Summary Contrary to the name, ringworm is not caused by worms. Ringworm (dermatophytosis) is a skin condition. It mainly happens by a fungal infection and not unlike Athlete’s foot or jock itch. I’ve only ever had one dog that contracted this fungal infection once, and below, I’ll be sharing a guide on how to […]
Dog Safety
Diabetes in Dogs: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment
Diabetes is a long-standing epidemic in the United States and continues to grow, even in our beloved pets. Diabetes in dogs can be very serious. Know all the risk factors, symptoms, and management requirements to prevent diabetes from ever affecting your dog, or mitigate it if it already has. Quick Summary According to the most […]
Poodle Care Tips and Facts That Every Poodle Owner Must Know
Quick Summary Most poodle owners were probably drawn in by their pristine appearance, allured by their majesty, or they simply found their weird little haircuts endearing. What many of them may not know is that caring for poodles involves a little more than just frequent trips to the dog groomer. Poodles sometimes have a reputation […]
What Is The Best Dog Food For My Puppy? Here’s Your Nutrition Guide
Quick Summary I’m a firm believer that the foundations of a dog’s health starts from how pet owners take care of them during the early puppyhood. Aside from giving them comfortable homes, grooming, and doing the necessary trainings, a healthy and balanced diet is a major part of raising puppies to be happy and strong […]
Top Dog Obedience Training Tips & Tricks No One Told You About!
Training your puppy to do what you ask is easy when you know how to do it, so here are some tips for top dog obedience training. Instant feedback works best, so praise and reward your puppy as soon as he does well. Quick Summary To us dog lovers, dogs can be the veritable light […]